Scheiring, GaborHui, BryantIrdam, DarjaAzarova, AytalinaFodor, ÉvaStuckler, DavidEsping-Andersen, GostaKing, Lawrence2023-09-192023-09-192020 this article, we analyze the privatization of companies as a potential but so far neglected,factor behind the postsocialist fertility decline. We test this hypothesis using a novel database,comprising information on the demographic and enterprise trajectories of 52 Hungarian towns,between 1989-2006 and a cross-country dataset of 28 countries in Eastern Europe. We fit fixed,and random-effects models adjusting for potential confounding factors and control for time-variant,factors and common trends. We find that privatization is significantly associated with fertility,decline, explaining approximately half of the overall fertility decline across the 52 towns and the 28 countries.engCC BY-NC-ND 4.0 ReproductionEastern EuropePrivatization and the postsocialist fertility declineWorking paper