Kontler, László2024-02-082024-02-082008http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14018/14245http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14018/14245During the period of support, the tasks and research agendas we have completed contributed to the progress of Hungarian higher education and social science research to a considerable extent. The titles we have published are on the reading lists of major universities and colleges. The editions of authors whose oeuvre or individual works have been made available for the first time to Hungarian readers will determine trends in the decades to come. They include Phaidros and The Sophist by Plato; The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant; Lectures on the Philosophy of Art by Hegel; the first full Hungarian edition of Untimely Reflections by Nietzsche; Essays on the History and Philosophy of Art by Schiller; The Philosophy of Enlightenment by Cassirer. Hume's classic work on the philosophy of religion, Dialogues on Natural Religion, came out with an introduction by Maria Ludassy, while Foucault's History of Madness, an exploration of the birth of psychiatry, is becoming a basic text for students of several disciplines. We have also published two important twentieth-century German works in the philosophy of history: Shipwreck with Spectators by Blumenberg, and Subjectivity by Ritter. The bulk of the editorial work on The Masking of Europe in the Middle Ages by Le Goff has also been completed. Important trends in Hungarian philosophical thought are represented by Parlando, as well as Experience and Expression by László Tengelyi.hunPhilosophyEducationAtlantisz filozófiai könyvprogramAtlantisz Publishing Project for PhilosophyReport