Çağatay, SelinErdélyi, MátyásGhiț, AlexandraGnydiuk, OlgaHelfert, VeronikaMasheva, IvelinaPopova, ZhannaTešija, JelenaVarsa, EszterZimmermann, Susan2024-03-072024-03-072023978-90-04-68246-7doi.org/10.1163/9789004682481_002https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14018/14276The introductory chapter provides a historiographic and thematic framing for the contributions and, we hope, for future research. The first section discusses the existing historiography of the region, highlighting the long history of writing on women’s labour activism in Central and Eastern Europe and its adjacent territories within and across the borders of different types of empires and nation-states, and across vastly diverse political regimes. The second section discusses key contributions of the chapters assembled in the volume to the study of women’s (and sometimes men’s) quests for the improvement of the lives and working conditions of women, pointing to their interconnections and highlighting their contributions to the development of long-term and transregional approaches to the history of women’s labour struggles. The third section expands on the rationale for studying women’s labour struggles from a long-term, transregional, integrative, and critical perspective, further discusses insights emerging from the volume and other scholarship, and highlights challenges as well as directions for ongoing and future research in the field of women’s labour activism.engCC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEEDhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Labour historyLabour movementWomen’s and gender historyWomen’s internationalismWomen’s labour strugglesWomen’s movementWomen’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond: Toward a Long-Term, Transregional, Integrative, and Critical ApproachBook chapter