2022-03-292010https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14018/11681The ex post evaluation of LEADER+ (2000-06) was carried out by Metis GmbH in association with AEIDL (European Association for Information on Local Development) and CEU (Közép-európai Egyetem/Central European University) for DG Agriculture and Rural Development. The objectives of the ex post evaluation were to provide an overview of the utilisation of resources and the effectiveness and efficiency of the assistance and its impact in relation to eight themes and altogether 24 evaluation questions allocated to the themes1. It was expected to build on the previous programme level evaluations and their updates. However, in order to answer the specific evaluation questions, substantial fieldwork was required in the form of surveys, interviews and case studies. The fieldwork revolved around four main tools. These were: a survey of 10% of all Local Action Groups (LAGs); a survey of Managing Authorities (MAs); interviews with National Network Units (NNUs) and ten case studies.engCC BY 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/EvaluationCommon Agricultural PolicyRural DevelopmentLEADERLocal DevelopmentEx-post evaluation of LEADER+ (executive summary)Otherhttps://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/37a8b0dc-1eb2-415d-9f50-c3a7da71190b/language-en/format-PDF/source-286333848