Tóth, Herta2022-03-242005http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14018/40While several recent studies have explored the position of Roma in the labor market in Hungary and across Central Eastern Europe, most fail to integrate gender into their analyses. Responding to this gap, this paper calls attention to the invisibility of Roma women in research projects and publications, despite the fact that they maintain a specific and marginalized position in the labor market. This paper also goes beyond existing studies that reproduce a narrow interpretation of “economy” and “paid work,” by drawing attention to the connection between Roma women’s productive and reproductive roles. Based on a review of existing research and literature, this paper challenges the validity of traditional labor market concepts for understanding and addressing Roma women’s labor market position and employment potential. Analyzing a range of issues surrounding Roma women’s employment, the paper shows strong links between education and economic activity, and between Roma women’s economic activity and the potential for their families to avoid poverty. The study offers a series of recommendations to improve the position of Roma women, as well as that of Roma men, in the labor market in Hungary.engRoma women’s unemployment in HungaryWorking paperhttps://cps.ceu.edu/sites/cps.ceu.edu/files/cps-working-paperroma-womens-unemployment-hungary-2005.pdf