Schulz, WolfgangBeeskow, JannesDreyer, StephanSprenger, RegineValcke, PeggyStevens, DavidLievens, EvaIrion, KristinaKoppanyi, SzabolcsSvensson, SaraDefraigne, PhilippeLedger, MichèleWillems, ValerieVereecke, NathalieSuter, Tim2022-03-292011 is the final report of the study entitled “Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS Directive” (SMART 2009/0001), which has been conducted on behalf of the European Commission, following the Commission’s Invitation to Tender dated May 16, 2009, published in the Official Journal 2009/S 94-134142. The study has three general objectives: (1) A detailed legal description and analysis of the audiovisual media services regulatory bodies in the Member States, in candidate and potential candidate countries of the European Union and the EFTA countries, as well as four non-European countries; (2) an analysis of the effective implementation of the legal framework in these countries; and (3) the identification of key characteristics constituting an independent regulatory body in light of the AVMS Directive.engINDIREG: Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS Directive (SMART 2009/0001): Final reportReport