Kronfeldner, Maria2022-03-2920140300-5771 paper is on the problem of causal selection and comments on Collingwood's classic paper "The so-called idea of causation". It discusses the relevance of Collingwood’s control principle in contemporary life sciences and defends that it is not the ability to control, but the willingness to control that often biases us towards some rather than other causes of a phenomenon. Willingness to control is certainly only one principle that influences causal selection, but it is an important one. It shows how norms make causes.engExplanatory relevanceCausal selectionCollingwoodControlNormsParity thesisGenetic causationNature-nurtureGeneral MedicineEpidemiologyEpistemologyNormalityMediaCausalityControl principleMatter of factSelection (linguistics)PhenomenonPhilosophical analysisMillMedicineBusinessIndustryHow norms make causesJournal article